MyMac Podcast 686: iMac Protastic

There’s a new iMac and it’s a pro model. It frigging SHOULD be with a starting price of $5000. Guy doesn’t like the YoLuke webcam, Gaz DOES like YouTube and neither are in the Christmas spirit until they started talking about Visigoths. Because NOTHING says happy holiday like barbarians at the gates.

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iMac ProTastic

Guy’s Pick: YoLuke USB Webcam $9.24 on Amazon and worth every penny of that when compared to good webcams

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: YouTube

Contact Info:
Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on
Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501
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