MyMac Podcast 631: Dodgy Slot Car Guy

We promised or maybe threatened that we would get back to this story and so we have. On an otherwise slow week where talking about the Touchbar…AGAIN would just be boring, Gaz and Guy instead talk about UK Real Estate, dead people on Facebook, and used iPhones. Because we can

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s Pick: Ed Isen’s book, “This is the Light Side” .99
Gaz’s Pick: The Trail
People’s Pick: Clive Hammett Want a camera on your Apple watch, check this out. CMRA Combination camera and watch band

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