What we want from iOS 7 – Episode #459

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Guy is back this week after a nightmare drive to North Carolina which he whines WAY too much about. Gaz has gone PRO! Well, Go Pro anyway and will sone be up to his ears with video footage of him…walking. The MyMac G+ Plus community gets a lot of attention and the GMen talk about the upcoming release of iOS 7 and what they think it will have. Oh and some funny bits scattered throughout.

Guy’s App Pick: Screenflow by Telestream $99.99 at the Mac App Store
Gaz’s App PickA six pack game set at a real low price from Feral interactive 19.99 $’s (£13.64) wow did I say these are Mac games, no well they’re Mac games and some cracking titles, I hope you hear this in time as the offer ends Sunday 2nd June. when I checked if you pre ordered you could also get a 10 $ voucher off another Feral game. The downside you have to create an account for the Mac Game store, but to be honest thats a small price.
: Tim Robertson picks Modern Conflict 2. Great turn-based game that takes everything that was great with the first one, and… well, doesn’t mess it up!

The J-Men Show – Episode #458

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Before We start I’d like to say RIP Tim Verpoorten he was a massive influence on me when I started podcasting and it is with great sadness that I learnt of his death this weekend. I’d like to dedicate this show to him. No Guy this week, but two very special guests. James Turner from Woodpad.co.uk and Jeff Gamet from the MacObserver, hence the title of the show. Although I could have still called it the G-Men as at least two of us are Gingers

Guy’s App Pick: Guy forgot to include one and Gaz told him off for it.
Gaz’s App Pick: Rawhide for iPhoto
Jeff’s pick: Lego Batman DC Superheros
Jame’s Pick: Security Spy
People’s Pick: Tom Schmidt suggests the iOS app Priorities

Renting software – Episode #457

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If software doesn’t come in a box, is it still your software? Trick question because it was NEVER your software to begin with. Microsoft and Adobe are keen to remind you of that with a monthly fee for their most sought after programs like Office and Creative Suite. On the lighter side, the GMen get an iTunes review in Morse Code, neither can mange to say Esoterism Tesseract,and apparently it’s too much for Google to do a search.

Guy’s App Pick: Cute Cut Pro by YU BO $5.99
Gaz’s App Pick: HDR Artist Pro £6.99
People’s Pick: Troy Muller recommends Spectacle by Spectacle FREE!


A Little bit of this…and that – Episode #456

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All still quiet of the Mac front as we await WWDC or well, almost anything. Guy strolls down memory lane to a podcast he and Gaz did some 150 shows ago with Actor Stephen Tobolowsky. there’s GoPros, an appearance on the Nosillacast Podcast, and other kinds of techy stuff before we get into the second part of the show which is all about…stuff. Even with all this, they even keep it under an hour! And who said the age of miracles had passed?

Guy’s App Pick: Acorn 4 is out from Flying Meat Software $29.99 from the Mac App Store.
Gaz’s App Pick: Lego Star Wars Yoda Chronicles. Whats’ not like 🙂 Currently Free!


30% profit just ain’t what it used to be – Episode #455

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Apparently is doomed (DOOMED I TELLS YA!) because while they had nearly 44 billion in sales, a profit of 9.5 billion, and margins of over 37%, it was less billions made in the same quarter last year. So other companies make little to no profit (but have enormous growth potential) Apple is expected to shatter sales, profit, and margins each and every quarter or the stock gets hammered. Yep, that makes sense.

Eric Diaz’s iPhone dominos
A “different” view on Mars
Guy’s App Pick: 88 Logos by Macware inc $1.99
Gaz’s App Pick: Wolfram Alfa App