MyMac Podcast 922: Making it elsewhere

For the plus 20 years, Apple has manufactured the vast majority of their stuff in China. Obviously they haven’t been alone in doing this, most major tech companies and many smaller ones have either moved their factories to China or gotten started there. The pandemic showed that this was a risky move as China essentially shut their entire country down for a long time, disrupting supply chains everywhere. Apple and now many others are beginning to rethink this strategy and have begun diversifying their manufacturing to other countries in the region as well.

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For Picks Sake

Guy and Gaz:- 

Microsoft 365 Personal ($70 a year). 5 licenses for Microsoft Office suite on just about everything you own and includes 1TB of cloud storage. For $30 more you can include up to 6 people which each getting their own 1TB of storage.

AudioBook Builder list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on TwitterFeedback

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Google Voice 703-828-4677

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 920: Ventura Tips

Sometimes it’s hard to know what features an OS is offering that might be to your liking? If really any at all. So we’re going to talk about some of the main features of macOS Ventura and whether or not we’ve tried them and if we’ll use them on a daily basis. Then, make up your own mind about it.

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None this week

For Picks Sake

Guy and Gaz:- list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on TwitterFeedback

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 919: MyMac-Mus Eve

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the podcast, not a creature was stirring but you know it won’t last. Gaz and Guy have family coming from afar. Through wind, snow, and rain, but quite comfy in their car. You heard them exclaim as the present wrappings flew, “You didn’t get Apple Care? You fool you fool!”

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None this week

For Picks Sake

Guy and Gaz:- list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on TwitterFeedback

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 918: 13th day of Christmas

Two weeks away and the GMen are getting into the spirit of the season! That season being “Why the heck is it so cold and windy?” Also, it’s looking more and more like Apple is going to be forced in the EU to allow 3rd party app stores and other alternative means to procuring and installing iOS/iPadOS apps outside of Apple’s own app store.

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None this week

For Picks Sake

Guy and Gaz:- list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on TwitterFeedback

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 917: What’s left in YOUR wallet?

We have just jumped into the holiday season with black Friday and all kinds of deals that really aren’t all that impressive. However, Guy has scoured the internet (at least 25 minutes of hard core searching!) and found a bunch of deals that REALLY made him want to buy stuff….but he didn’t

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Top 10 Black Friday deals Guy wanted but didn’t get!

Audio Technica AT2005USB $59 B&H

Rodecaster Pro 1st gen $430 B&H

Monoprice Indigo (Strat copy) $83 Monoprice

Apple 2nd gen AirPods $79 Walmart

Apple MacBook Air 2020 8GB RAM 256GB Disk (7 core model) $780 Microcenter. 8 Core model $899

Audio Technica AT2020 XLR condensor microphone $58 Amazon

OWC 14-port Thunderbolt dock $299

Sennheiser HD6XX headphones $179

Western Digital Elements 16TB external hard drive $279

Dark Matter by Monoprice 27in Gaming Monitor – 16:9, 2560x1440p, QHD, 180Hz $229

For Picks Sake

Guy and Gaz:- 

OneOdio Pro-50 Headphones list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on TwitterFeedback

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 916: Did you tweet you twit?

There seems to be little common ground around Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. It’s either the greatest thing EVAH (freedom fries for murica) or a house burning down around an oven with a chicken left in at 300 celsius. What actually is happening is mostly up for debate and your opinion is just as valid as someone else. Even if those two opinions are 180 degrees out of sync.

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For Picks Sake


Gaz:- AirPods recall list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on TwitterFeedback

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 903: Same old, Same old

It’s being said that the iPhone 14 will have the same look and processor as its predecessor and in order to get the best full featured specs, you’ll need to jump to the 14 Pro. If this is true, is there really a need for iPhone 12 or 13 users to jump to a new phone?

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For Pick’s Sake



Pauls JustGiving Page

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 902: Who’s NeXT?

While Tim Cook (Mr. Excitement) has been the CEO of Apple for over 10 years, he’s now getting closer to mid-60s and is probably looking past where he’ll be running things. His legacy is pretty firmly set and there’s not much more at this point he could do, so who will be next in line to run Apple? We’ll look at some of the likely candidates in the second section.

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For Pick’s Sake list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders



Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 898: Get New Stuff

Neither Guy nor Gaz are made out of money which is a good thing since random pieces of coloured paper can’t do podcasts, but we can afford a few luxuries or items to replace current luxuries. So in the section part 2 we’re going to talk about what we have, what we’d replace it with, and why.

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Links: list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites:

Ukrainian Red Cross:

Doctors without borders:

For Pick’s Sake

Guy:- Reincubate’s Camo Pro for all those that don’t want to get a separate webcam. Just use this software and your Mac. $40


Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 897: WWD SO Wrong

We made a lot of predictions for the keynote of WWDC, and I’m proud to say that we got everything right…which is a lie. Other than the date, not too much was correct.

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Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders



Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 896: DaDub DaDub Devy’s Comf

So many sales going on right now on Apple products from Walmart with its Walmart + Weekend sales or Amazon’s Amazon Prime Day events with HUGE discounts off Apple Products. Many pendants are saying, “Hey Apple, why don’t YOU do some of those discounts and get those shoppers on YOUR website!”. Except they’ve forgotten one important fact. Both Amazon and Walmart are still buying those products from Apple so without even cutting margins to near nothing, Apple still gets paid. Also apparently there’s a developer’s conference or something on Monday which I guess the GMen will talk about. Lastly, it’s the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!


Gaz’s mum wax in the papers! list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites:

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

For Pick’s Sake



Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 895: iMadOS

One of the GMen has been predicting for a long time that what the iPad needs isn’t half-hearted multitasking that requires more moves than a rugby player in the /line-out, but a full fledged floating window experience. Kinda like every operating systems on any large screen currently uses. Maybe…JUST maybe that’s coming true in the next version of iPadOS.

Links: list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites:

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

For Pick’s Sake



Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 894: At your Services…es

So, is this the world’s longest segue? Having Karl Madden from the Mac and Forth show on last week was fun, but it did break up our discussion about Apple devices. Somehow I think we’ll live through the experience, but we say that optimistically every time Karl is on the show. However we only have to wrong once for tragedy to strike.

Links: list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites:

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

For Pick’s Sake

Guy:- Screenflick by Araelium Software $35


Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 892: At your Services

It seems redundant these days to report on Apple’s finances when you could record it once with a “Apple made record revenue and profits this year blah blah blah” and call it a day. There’s a nugget there though while not new, continues to astound the once hardware-heavy tech giant and that’s Services. This quarter, that’s where nearly 25% of all revenue Apple generated came from.

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UK Uber drivers get minimum wage, holidays, and pensions – with a big catch

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Gaz:- Billy Kay addressing the Scottish Parliament

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 890: We Walk Down Carefully

Gaz is off doing fun stuff and left Guy all on his own, a dangerous proposition no matter how you look at it. However, he (Guy) was also smart (for once) and invited David Ginsburg from the “In Touch with iOS” podcast to join in and give his thoughts on the upcoming WWDC which while still some time away, hasn’t stopped people from talking about it.

For Pick’s Sake (Where applicable you fool you fool) list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Guy:- If all you use is Safari then this won’t matter much, but 1Password is practically the defacto standard for password management. Available to you anywhere and practically from any device if you trust that device enough to remotely log into 1Password.

Dave:- Rode NTH-100 Headphones

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 889: Speed Kills

Oh just relax internet censors, we’re talking about computer speed for gosh sakes. The great debate over whether Apple’s benchmarks comparing an M1 Ultra Mac Studio to a similar Intel-based computer has fans on both sides dragging up all the old arguments of Mac vs PC. Many are saying at best Apple exaggerated and many others claiming Apple out and out lied. The GMen say, stop getting your underwear in such a twist. Maybe going forward for most people it just won’t matter. Or maybe that time has already come.

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UK Uber drivers get minimum wage, holidays, and pensions – with a big catch

For Pick’s Sake

Guy:- Rogue Amoeba’s Audio Hijack


Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 888: You want MORE?!?

When it comes to upgradability, Apple’s devices going back well into the Intel years have not exactly been the best examples. Even the simple things like RAM and storage have been missing from most of Apple’s lineup for many years. Looking forward into the M-processor years, this isn’t likely to change much and there are some very good, if not extremely frustrating reasons why. list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Guy:- Apple’s Screenshot program not only lets you do screenshots (duh) in different ways, you can also screen record either the entire screen or a selected portion and trim it too when done.


Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 887: Rwong!

Man that Apple event was really something wasn’t it? Too bad nearly everything Guy predicted was utterly and almost to the point incorrect. Fortunately according to the many worlds theory as proposed by the famed Polish theoretical physicist Wojciech H. Zurek, in one universe as defined by Quantum Mechanics not only was Guy correct about every prediction, but he did so while eating chocolate ice cream and dancing the Fandango surrounded by former Playboy Bunnies. So he’ll take that as a win…in some other universe

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Links: list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

For Pick’s Sake



Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot
Paypal Link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 886: mmmmMMMM2

It’s always exciting when an Apple event is right around the corner and while we don’t do “rumors” per se, we do like to speculate on what Apple goodies might be just around the corner. It’s less immediate than a traffic accident and more trustworthy than…well…idiot analysts popping off about the specs of the 2024 iPhone 15. Also we know when we’re wrong and admit to it as compare to idiot analysts


UNICEF link through Apple list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Guy’s Pick: Hotel Greene in Richmond Virginia for a great place to stay, I mean play putt-putt

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot

MyMac Podcast 885: 885 no 600 no 885

It’s our 600th-ish podcast and MAN do we have some exciting stuff for you! If by exciting, we mean really more or less a regular show. While this is a significant milestone for us, it pales in comparison to what’s going on in the Ukraine as we record. We aren’t going to bring a lot of coverage as we aren’t about general news and politics, but for what it’s worth, we dedicate this episode to brave people of the Ukraine and wish them well. There’s also an extra long after show with a live call in from Guy’s son…um…Guy

Guy:- list of helpful Ukrainian donation sites

Ukrainian Red Cross

Doctors without borders

Gaz:- Kingdom Rush

Contact Info:

Guy@mymac.comMacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on TwitterGuyandGaz on

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

Patron Link: Macparrot
Ko-Fi link: Macparrot